Tuesday, July 12, 2005


i decided to look at some blogs this afternoon while jaeda was napping. (for those of you who don't know-my choosing of how the free time during nap is to be spent is a very stratigic choice) you know, i thought since i'm brand new to the whole blogging world i should see what everyone else was blogging about. so i went to abi creed's blog and read her new entry which was fun . . . and then saw a link to her sister's blog which was suprisingly enlightening. i guess i shouldn't use the word "surprisingly" there, it sounds like i am insulting her! truth be told i don't know abi's sister so whatever i found on her blog should have been a surprise! but seriously-- i found myself totally enspired by abi's sister's life. she is an amazing stay at home mom!!! she is totally up on her global news and is actively involved with different causes worldwide. her 3 kiddos are widely cultered and her life reads like the (still undiscovered) happily-ever-after part of cinderella! she and her kids are so active and creative. her blog was truly inspiring to a rookie in her same field of work. i was so uplifted by abi's sister's (i didn't catch her name) blog that i decided i would look for other bits of encouragement in the blogging community. . . (insert your typical scary music here)

so i pushed that curious button at the top of the blog that is labeled, "next blog". . .i bypassed a few fellow bloggers that didn't speak my language until i found an interesting looking blogger named--madame flamingo. now this madame flamingo was a not so uplifting character. she is a 24 year old drama teacher who just moved from michigan to the mojave desert and is severly embittered with life. i shouldn't say that because i really know nothing of her except for the way she feels on the topic of stay-at-home-moms. now don't misunderstand me, my dislike for her does not stem from the obvious disagreement between the two of us on this particular subject. no, not at all, but rather her closemindedness about it all. her article was very unintellegently written and down right mean! you can see for yourself at madameflamingo@blogspot.com. she didn't sound like a very happy person at all and boy was i going to fix her!

that unyeilding instinct to set the world right caused me to (of course) spend jaeda's entire nap responding to her nasty post. I guess this afternoon with madame flamingo's blog was not all for naught. i have reluctently learned an all important lesson . . .

don't push the "next blog" button while home alone!
(maybe someday i'll learn--not to open, but to securely shut, that curious, half-open, door!)


Blogger Madame Flamingo said...

Interesting post.
Funny, I don't feel particularily fixed. Or broken, for that matter.
Do be careful about the "next blog" button. Apparently we don't feel the same about this issue -- perhaps an agreement could be reached, where we decide that since we don't know each other, we could swing clear of each other's blog.
I'll go first...here I go.

6:51 PM  

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