Monday, October 31, 2005

must reads

so i got tagged to name my favorite five blogs a while back. (thanks joash!) and i am finally getting around to posting my fab five.

1. my alltime favorite blog is jeff's at he is an amazing writer and has an amazing mind for imagery. his posts are like a tangible sermon. he uses illistrations that i can touch and feel. leaving me eternally impacted. his blog is a must read!

2. is an awesome site. she is an amazing artist and writes in such a way that makes ordinary life interesting.

3. number three is my good friend at . she writes in a train of conciousness form that lifts the top of her head off and shares her every thought with us all. she has a deep walk with the Father that's very convicting. the quotes that she posts are always sure to hit a nerve:)

4. is a friend's sister at . if i am having a bad mommy day all i need to do is go to her site and get some advice on how to do it better. she is a great mom and wife and student and is very ALIVE. she is a unique person and does amazing things every day. she is a walking example for me.

5. is a new friend that i've stumbled across that is a really friendly soul. she keeps two blogs and is so passionate about life and making a difference. she is someone that i would love to get to know better. she has amazing poetry and photos and she has this unique way of making art out of life.

here's my five. i was true to myself in choosing the five that mean the most to me everyday but i feel i am leaving out so many! please read and enjoy!


Blogger so i go said...

you're feeding that affirmation junkie in me!!

seriously, i am sooo honored and thankful to be a part of your life in some way. i love how God is drawing together this community!

have a super day, and thanks again for the sweet kudos.

3:44 PM  

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