mirror in the sky
sometimes when i walk by a mirror--i'm suprised by the quick reflection i find there and spend the next few minutes, looking, fixing and examining myself.
sometimes i'll find an expression there, i've never seen.
sometimes i will find a person there that i no longer recognize.
but it never fails that my curiousity bids me to take that second look. to see who i am and what i look like to others. so many times i think if i didn't own a mirror i could so easily talk myself into being someone else. but everytime i look in the mirror,
i am reminded of who i am, where i come from and where i am going.
sometimes i feel that God is a great mirror in the sky. without Him i would have such a skewed identity. never having an divine reality to compare my personal reality to would leave me to be a stagnant sick mess of a person.
sometimes i catch a glimpse of myself in His divine mirror and i grimace.
then i examine my reflection.
and then i change.
other times i just wince and look away.
i want to learn to do the former far more than the later. i want to go over and above just examining my imperfections and actually see what He sees when He looks at me...
we talk so often about having a healthy body image well i'm all for a healthy heart image.
i long to look at my reflection and see what He sees...
which is a daughter--lost, broken and calling for help. when He looks at me He sees beauty unlike any other. beauty that is unimaginable to me, a war torn refugee.
where i see failure, He sees victory. where i see weakness, He sees strength.
i think the point of this life isn't just to see my imperfections and fix them. it is to eventually see me as He sees me and operate as the child of the King.
He sees me like i've never dared to see me before.
i long for a glimpse into this mirror... if i could get the cloudy reflection of my ragged, tattered war torn self out and replace it with His view of me--which is a picture of grace and everything lovely--i think i could begin to function as that person. as His heir.
as the me i am supposed to see.
as the me i am supposed to be.
Thinking of you...
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