Wednesday, January 25, 2006

joy and chaos

miss mireya is here, loud and clear. bringing with her times of joy and chaos!!! having my precious little newborn neice living in my basement is wonderful-- 'cause i can kiss her whenever i want:) she is a constant reminder of hope in my life. what could possibly be more hopeful than the beginning of new life. she is God's vote that life should go on. she is a treasure--she is the joy.

now for the chaos.

my mom called this morning.

she wants to know if her and my 7 year old brother can move into my extra bedroom for a few months--translation, when i have to make her leave!


what a shock--although it really shouldn't be. she is struggling emotionally, spiritually and financially. there are no plus's for me in this deal. but . . . i have a home big enough (barely) to fit 7 people. i'm just not sure if it would or could be sane!!! is this selfish of me to want to say no--or smart? she would drive me crazy.

of course she has all kinds of good reasons for this. for her. and isaiah. and ky. but can it be done? can i live with my mother, in my house and not go crazy? can my husband do it? who knows.

but i feel that i must leave the door open for God to work here. we said when we bought this house that we would have an open door policy. that the house was God's and only on loan to us to use for His purposes. but surely there is a mother/mother in law clause in there . . . i don't know.

i am listening for an answer here. not sure how to look at this dilemma. if i say no i feel like i am being heartless and unChristlike. if i say yes i think i will soon become heartless and unChristlike after having to live with my mother! why why why. sigh.

no clue what to do here. i think He has me right where He wants me. but--there's always a but...


Blogger Abi' K. said... answered your own question in this one, baby! read it again! love you.--abs'

9:57 PM  
Blogger lexi said...

Just to see you struggle with this blows me away. You have grown so much in the last year and continue to struggle against yourself to become more like Him. You are beautiful

11:10 PM  

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