Wednesday, March 22, 2006

leaving new orleans

you can't expierience the power of God without risking something of yourself in the process...--john fisher

faith packed my bags and i headed south to NOLA for four nights and five days. we took 14 kids and 8 adults. aside from these simple logistics, everything else that happened on this trip is unexplainable...there are no words...but i'll waste some anyway...

upon leaving new orleans i have this God flurry in my soul. this ache of excitment that just won't go away. God is moving--God is working.

He wants to continue this risk taking, weakness leading, God-dependent adventure

right here in liberty MO. he doesn't want me to leave new orleans behind--He wants me to take a part of what happened last week with me always. He wants my new orleans expirience to change me forever. He is pushing and prodding me to make this movement bigger than just this last week. He wants my life to be a mission trip. He wants the lives around me to subscribe to this passion and i can't explain it i can only feel it...

if i could list the things i learned this week...if i could only show you the faces of the people that taught me so much. the names of those that God used to challenge me. the obstacles that He overcame while i simply watched. the obedience that took the place of my emotions. if i could only tell you these things and somehow you get "it". but i can't...

each of us must embark on our own risk taking, Christ honoring, flesh weak adventure.

i can feel this deep stirring inside me...and yet i know

this kind of movement cannot be passed on by mouth, it is only contagious by life.

if somehow i can pass on this passion not by mere words but by my life than
God is honored.

and that's all i want anymore. . . for God to be honored.

i have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly--jesus

i now know what He means by life abundantly--and upon leaving NOLA i refuse to live any other way.


Blogger Curious Servant said...

I love your posts

12:39 PM  

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