small step outta blah...
i'm going through a lonely low i often do in the fall time. something about less sun and more blah--it just gets to me. and i drag that blah into my relationship with Him, and my husband and my kids and my friends and my family until i'm here. and here is ever so restless.
i'm sick of the blah. i hate the blah. the blah drives me mad.
today i decided--i'm gonna do a kind thing for someone else every day for the next month. perhaps that can change my story and break through my blah. today i did something ever so small and for a second my heart smiled. and He smiled. and i knew. that THAT is what i'm made for...He didn't make me for blah. my lost heart found it's way home to an old safe spot but longs for the heights and risk and wind of following Him.
here's my small step outta blah...